Published on June 2021 | Educational Administration, Higher Education, Organizational Management, Information and Communication Technology

Internet Connection and Learning Device Availability of College Students: Basis for Institutionalizing Flexible Learning in the New Normal
Authors: John Mark R. Asio, Ediric D. Gadia, Erlinda C. Abarintos, Darwin P.Paguio, Melner Balce
View Author: Dr. John Mark R. Asio
Journal Name: Studies in Humanities and Education
Volume: 2 Issue: 1 Page No: 56-69
Indexing: Google Scholar

Due to the effect of the current pandemic that the world is experiencing, the educational system swiftly remedied the problem of student learning. This study assessed the students' internet connection capability and the availability of learning devices at their homes. The researchers used a descriptive cross-sectional research design with the online survey as the primary tool for data gathering. Using a convenience sampling technique, this study garnered 2,894 responses from students at a local higher education institution in Central Luzon, Philippines. The study used a modified questionnaire and subjected the gathered data to simple statistical analysis. Based on the results of the survey, 70% of the students have internet access at home. On the other hand, smartphone tops the list of the learning devices that is available for learning for students. To conclude, the institution can therefore implement a flexible learning plan for the students especially this time of the pandemic period. In addition, the researchers also suggested some important recommendations in the learning system of the institution.

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