Published on October 2024 | High Performance Concrete, Fibre Reinforced Concrete, Nanomaterials

Evaluation of Durability Characteristics on Hybrid Fibre Reinforced High-Performance Concrete Incorporated with Graphene Oxide
Authors: V. Anish, J. Logeshwari, S. Samson
View Author: V. Anish
Journal Name: Iranian Journal of Science and Technology, Transactions of Civil Engineering
Volume: 49 Issue: 3 Page No: 1-24
Indexing: SCOPUS,Web of Science,Google Scholar,SCIMAGOJR,EBSCO,ISI Indexing

The longevity of concrete structures rely on, the capability of concrete to withstand environmental deterioration, which further enhance the operating life of structure, thereby reducing unforeseen expense for maintenance and rehabilitation. To overcome the issue, a high-performance concrete containing hybrid steel-basalt fibres and graphene oxide was evaluated for their resistance to environmental deterioration. The experimental analysis done in this investigation to determine the concrete, with long lasting and great performance to durability were water absorption, water sorptivity, rapid chloride permeability, acid attack, alkaline attack and sulphate attack tests. Various proportions of high-performance concrete (HPC) with hooked end carbon steel fibres, basalt fibres, hybridization of fibres and graphene oxide were tested for their suitability against various durability tests. Supplementary cementitious components like fly-ash and micro-silica were used to advance the performance of concrete and to reduce the usage of cement, which is responsible for CO2 emission, abrasion and excessive heat of hydration. Graphene oxide in concrete, helps in attaining a denser microstructure by filling the voids and pores, thereby making it less permeable, with enhanced durability, while the fibre reinforcement in concrete helps in improving the mechanical qualities, by bridging the micro and macro cracks. The water absorption and sorptivity tests on HPC, results with increase in percentage of permeability, which might be because of the voids created due to the reinforcement of fibres, however with inclusion of graphene oxide, the percentage of water absorption and sorptivity was reduced in HPC with fibre reinforcements. Rapid chloride permeability tests on concrete specimens were also noticed with reduced permeability in HPC with inclusion of graphene oxide and increased permeability due to the reinforcement of fibres in HPC, however was within the limits. Acid, Alkaline and sulphate attack tests on HPC showed improved strength with the hybridization of fibres and graphene oxide. The loss of mass and strength was also noticed lesser in HPC, with hybridization of fibres and graphene oxide, rather than the concrete reinforced with hooked end carbon steel fibres and control concrete. In microstructural analysis, SEM images were also seen with improved C–S–H and calcium hydroxide crystals. The microstructure was also noticed to be denser with lesser pores and petal like hydration crystals, improving the performance of concrete. Fibres were also noticed with good interaction and bonding to the hydration products and concrete matrix, further aiding in bridging of micro–macro cracks, while the graphene oxide aiding in resistance to nano cracks. Improvement in elemental constituents, which were responsible for enhanced hydration was also noticed in EDX analysis.

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