Published on April 2024 | Agriculture, Fishery

Authors: Domenic T. Sanchez
Journal Name: BOOK
Volume: 1 Issue: 1 Page No: 104
Indexing: Google Scholar

One of the most engaging disciplines in school I came across in the mid 80’s was Agriculture. The teachers used to assign and mentor pupils how to raise and care for gardens. They grew various green leafy vegetables, legumes, and cucurbits, among others, while raising native chickens and ruminants making the garden thrive so well because of their manure; and the assertive instruction and modelling of the teachers made everything possible and meaningful to us. The exciting moment was when we finally got to enjoy the results of our effort - the bountiful harvest! Since that day, it has been evident that agriculture is the fundamental source of the nation’s prosperity as it provides food security and countless advantages to people. We learned many things about growing plants, to value and take care of Mother Nature too.

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