Published on November 2021 | IOT, CLOUD, BLOCKCHAIN

Inclusion of Cloud, Blockchain and IoT Based Technologies in Agriculture Sector
Authors: K. Murali Krishna; Yogini Dilip Borole; Sandeep Rout; Prashansha Negi; M. Deivakani; R Dilip
View Author: Dr. Dilip R
Journal Name: IEEE
Volume: 22 Issue: 22 Page No: 23
Indexing: SCOPUS

India is a country of vast diversification in all respect, but the common fact among all this is that about 80% of our population depends on agriculture and its allied activities for their livelihood. As per a recent government report, more than 50% of unskilled workforces have been engaged in this sector and contribute to roughly 16-20% towards Gross Domestic Product, strengthening the national economy. Unfortunately, our agricultural practice has been following primitive practices and failed to adopt modern-day skills, which helps in good productivity and increases resilience and sustainability with socio-economic benefits. Indian farmer needs to be trained and better equipped to handle ever-growing threats due to globalization, unregulated Foreign Direct Investments (FDI) and MNCs in this sector. Hence the need of the hour is to introduce new agricultural education reforms, technology transfer and prioritization of trans disciplinary science and applied research at a high priority. This shall prove beneficial in minimizing the gap of professional expertise in the agro-market. Researchers and the scientific community have been making efforts in designing, developing and adopting new paradigm changes in agri-education in the country. The government of India has taken significant measures with immediate attention to revolutionizing the effectiveness of advanced training in flourishing agricultural infrastructure. The author has made a novel investigation to assess the present scenario, potential challenge, scope of progress, forthcoming possibilities and finally discussed next-generation technologies which can successively change the course conventional of education and literacy in agro-farming with the huge opportunity of employment generation through entrepreneurship.

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